As an integral part of the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, SIMULIA applications accelerate the process of evaluating the performance, reliability and safety of materials and products before committing to physical prototypes.
The Abaqus Unified FEA Suite enables users to develop custom applications and integrate solutions from Alliance Partners or their own in-house applications. SIMULIA offers supported Analysis Interfaces for Moldflow, MSC.ADAMS, and MADYMO.
fe-safe is the technical leader in fatigue analysis software for Finite Element models and is capable of meeting its users’ most demanding applications.
It directly interfaces to all leading FEA suites and is used by leading companies worldwide to determine fatigue life and optimize designs.
The Tosca optimization suite enables engineers to take full advantage of any improvement potential while leveraging advanced simulation capabilities. It creates optimized design concepts to achieve the highest performance, quality, and eco-efficiency in a shorter development time.
Isight and the SIMULIA Execution Engine (formerly Fiper) are used to combine multiple cross-disciplinary models and applications together in a simulation process flow, automate their execution across distributed compute resources, explore the resulting design space, and identify the optimal design parameters subject to required constraints.
FEMFAT is a solver for fatigue life prediction based on Finite Element results (stresses, strains, temperatures). FEMFAT provides a complete Abaqus odb interface (also the predecessor format fil) for import of FE-structure and FE-results, and export of fatigue-results. All FEMFAT results can be fully visualized with the Abaqus/Viewer. Import of stresses and strains is supported for any kind of FE-analysis (linear, non-linear, quasi-static, inertial relief, dynamic, modal, transient). Combinations of stresses and strains can be defined very flexibly by lists of step and increment IDs, time ranges, ranges of steps and increments, etc.
PERMAS is among the most advanced Finite Element Software Systems worldwide. It offers a complete range of physical models at the highest possible performance, quality and reliability. Solutions for statics, dynamics, heat transfer, fluid-structure acoustics and optimization are available on many different hardware platforms.
(Abaqus/CAE,Medina,ANSA & μETA)